
My cats have brought in a sparrowhawk chick, what should i do?

by  |  earlier

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my nieghbour told me to keep it warm and to feed it but the best thing we could find is chiken roll, help!




  1. You should feed this chick raw meat. Chicken mince in tweezers into the beak. You really should get hold of a hawk conservancy or bird rescue place. Rearing this chick yourself will be very hard work but by the time it is grown you will have a tame hawk. What an awesome pet that would make but really better in the wild. Over taming will not allow you to set it free when fledged.

    That cat of yours is a brave thing!!! risking life to bring you a gift.

    PS put me down for the next hawk chick!!!

  2. for the cat - try a 'ratsack' mince patty, works well with rats and other vermin, my mother taught me this recipe, with any luck it should kill the cat... if not, how about using some common sense and put a bell around the cats neck.

    As for the chick, forget it - the stress alone will kill it.

  3. That is a way for the cat to tell you it loves you. I know it may be an unwanted present, but for the cat, it was an awesome gift.

    good kitty

  4. Call raptor rescue 0870 241 0609, their help and advice line. They will send round an experienced person who will take it to a rehabilitation centre, or will tell you where to take it, if there is nobody close by. They are excellent and this is the chick's best chance of surviving.

  5. great - the chick has possibly a 20% chance of survival now.

    i love raptors, but if i say what i would like to say some unopinionated low life will report me(poss will anyway now),

    another sucess for the over population of free roaming slightly domesticated feline that everyone loves

  6. you should let the thing go if its still alive lol

  7. Yea Keep it warm and take it to your local vet and they will look after it

  8. There's not much you can do for it, most birds will die of shock. Try to put it somewhere cool and dark. A large box (with lots of airholes) is the best option. Handle it as little as possible, even it doesn't show it, it will be scared stiff and more likely to die of shock. If its not fledged then you'll be fighting a losing battle and the kindest thing you can do is put it back outside in a safe place but somewhere a parent might spot it, although its highly likely it will be abandoned. If you know someone that is up to the task the next kindest thing is to dispatch it, a quick death is better than a slow one.

  9. It it has ANY wounds from your cat it needs immediate medical attention.  Cats carry a lot of bacteria in their saliva causing infection and death quickly.  The bird needs to be put on antibiotics.  It can get the medical care it needs from a wildlife rehab.  Look here for one near you:

    Also, keep in mind it is illegal for you to keep this bird in your possession.  If it it not wounded it needs to be returned to it's parents.

  10. if it is not injured you should see if you can find the nest and see if the mother will take it back, and try not to touch it to much

    my friends dog brought her a bird she put the bird in the grass by the tree where the nest was and watched from the window and the mother bird picked it up

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