
My cats incision is swollen, is this normal?

by  |  earlier

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My cat was spayed almost 2 weeks ago, she had to go back because she opened the wound on sunday so they put staples on her this time, so thats same day she took one of two staples out and which freaked me out but it seemed like it was healing good.. untill last night when i saw her...

that is a picture of her incision. they say its olk to have a little swelling but it feels hard around the area, more than a size of a quarter. just before i start freaking out even more, does this look normal to you guys?




  1. A little swelling is normal. It doesn't look abnormally swollen to me.She may need to go back before she causes more damage. Get an e-collar so she can't l**k it anymore.

  2. call the vet.

    it looks more like a wound then an incision to me, so i would call the vet and ask.

  3. A little redness and swelling is okay. If your cat is l*****g it, she will make it worse. Sometimes they will also get a hard lump which is a serum pocket which will eventually go away. If you are really nervous about it you can probably take her to your vet's office and let them take a look at it without them charging you.

  4. my male did the same thing vet told us to go ahead and put neosporin on it and that will stop the cat from l*****g and it wont hurt them

    don't worry it looks good

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