
My cats leg is hurt. whats wrong?

by  |  earlier

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I have a cat and i barley see it, cause it doesn't come around a lot. When he lays he keeps his leg in the air. and he doesnt move all that much. i havnt seen him walk on it he, he doesnt walk on it. when i pick him up he cries. and doesnt meow any other time. i dont see him running for food or when i open the door he doesnt come (these are things he usualy does.) my dad wont take him to the vet tonight so i need to know whats a matter with him. I know someone who waited for the last second for her cat and it died.




  1. his leg is hurt !!

  2. It could be many things. If you feel it and take a good look, and nothing is apparent then it is probably a sprain or muscle soreness. If you are concerned and this continues then take it to the vet to check it out  

  3. I would tell your dad that as an owner of an animal, you're responsible for it's welfare.  I'd get it to the vet asap.

    Also, keep it indoors at all cost.  Animals have been domesticated to the point that they don't fare well outside.  Cat + Car = hurt\dead cat.

  4. What's wrong is that he's injured and in pain. He needs to be taken to the vet.

    Yes, they can die, it depends on how badly the cat is hurt and if it's more than just the leg.

  5. Take it to the vet. Even if you can't see any injury it could have been knocked by a car - which isn't necessarily fatal. Three of mine got hit by cars; they just had a scratch on one back leg and nothing else visible; turned out one had to be put down, one had a dislocated paw, and one only had that scratch! The two have healed beautifully, I'd just like to add, so don't panic.

    Oh also, could be an insect sting? One of mine came in a few weeks back not putting any weight on one paw, so I panicked (I thought she'd been hit by a car again). She didn't like being picked up, didn't like having her paw touched, so we took her to the vet who couldn't see anything wrong - by the next morning she was fine again! I reckon it was a wasp sting.

    But better safe than sorry, the poor cat needs to be seen by a vet.

  6. It may have been hit by a car or kicked by someone? If the cat will let you hold it see if you can touch the leg and feel any broken bones? If not it could be that it was struck and just badly bruised? Also see if you can look at it's feet? Cats are usually fussy about having their feet touched and if you can get someone to hold it still while you examine the foot on the side that it's holding up the better things will go. Check the pads for glass or other objects and check between the toes for anything that looks like it has something in the feet that should be there? If you can't do anything with the cat like take it to see a vet then I suggest you call the local humane society to get this cat help.  

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