
My cats right eye is watering?

by  |  earlier

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If it helps she just woke up and i thought it was sleep at first but.. Her eye is watering. This may seem like a dumb question but she seems unhappy.




  1. She could have an eye infection,id take her to the vets for some eye drop. your cats will be down because she can't see very well or is annying her  .Good luck.

  2. Try putting a little bit of green tea in her eye, but please cool it down before doing that.

  3. that what happened here last week. maybe she just has something in her eye, but we just finished trating ours for upper respitory infection. if it doesnt get any better, get her into the vet.

  4. Same here,

    It's a lil kitten but wayyyyyy too irritating

  5. It might be infected or there might be something in her eye. A couple of my cats eyes have gotten fox tail weeds stuck in their eyes and even in their ears. I suggest you take her to the vet soon if this continues so she doesn't lose her eyesight.  

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