
My cats were feral descendants--will they grow up with wild tendencies? I raised em from day one.

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In other words, they were born from wild cats in the country.




  1. All cats grow up with feral tendencies.

  2. A house cat, whether feral or not, is still a house cat, and ferals tend to be only one or two generations removed from a tame cat, so your kittens will be exactly the same as a regular house cat.  Also, since your kittens were raised by humans, there is a very good chance that these kittens are going to be much more human friendly and trusting.  

  3. kittens will usually only become feral, if they are not socialized properly. Let the cats be around people, and dogs if possible, and even other cats if you can. The more and different things they are subjected to, the less they will be afraid of.

  4. if you treat them as housecats they should act as housecats.

  5. Almost three years ago I adopted three littermates from a feral mother who had been humanely trapped, whelped, spayed, an innoculated. She was so wild, that she eventually had to be set free.

    The kitten were about 10 weeks when i got them.  They are typical housecats.  Each has a different personality, of course, but none have "wild" tenedencies.  

  6. no.. feral only means a house cat that has gone wild..

    I live in the country and have actually rescued kittens born to WILD parents.. caught them at a few weeks of age and followed the steps in this guide to tame them

    the guide might help you too..

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