
My cats were spayed and neutered! Help please!

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What can I do to ease both of their pains? Can I buy pain reliever medications from Pet Smart or somewhere? Can I give them Advil or Tyelenol?




  1. if the vet didnt give them any pain killer to take home.. i would give it a few days because depending on their age.. it will effect them differently. its harder on older cats so it might take days for them to heel. i would give it another day or two and see if the pain gets better. if not i would take them to the vet.

  2. Uh, they shouldnt really be in any pain...a little drowsy maybe from being put under...but once theyre done, thats pretty much it. Dont give them any human medication. If they are really crying and CLEARLY in pain, i would be very skeptical of the person who did the operation, and would take them to the vet. They can give you some pain meds.

  3. How do you know there in pain? Are they meowing like crazy? Bleeding? What?

    If they both came back from surgery, and there just walking around or sleeping, leave them. They'll be fine

    ADD: I smell a troll lurking around here..... everyone got a TD for no reason....


  5. No,do NOT give them anything.Aspirin,Advil and Tylenol can kill a cat. If you think they are in that much pain,call your vet and ask if they can prescribe something.Most cats do fine,though,Yes,they are sore for a few days,but then they bounce back really fast.Just let them rest and give them their favorite foods and they should be fine in a few days.

  6. I would call the vet with these questions. They may have given a pain reliever already, and a new dose could be very bad.

  7. I had my two cats declawed as adults. Supposedly a very painful procedure, they pulled through like champs and are happier for it.  As for S/N, I assume they are kittens. As long as you keep their litter clean and keep them indoors, the pain should subside quickly. In a couple of weeks they won't even remember. Also, if the vet gave you oral antibiotics, make sure they swallow. Keep their mouths closed and blow on their noses--natural swallow reflex will take over.

  8. If they are in pain, you need to call your vet and ask for pain medication.  Whatever you do... NEVER give your cats Tylenol or Advil.  These drugs, as well as most others intended for human use, are toxic to cats.  If you give them these meds, they could die.  I don't recommend giving your cats any medication without consulting the vet.

  9. they should not be in pain, if they are, call the vet.

    if they just came back from the vet today, they might be wozzy from the meds.

  10. I would just let them get over it.  Mabey a new toy for them might help them feel better.


                                       HOPE THIS HELPS!!!

  11. It'll just take some time fo the medicine to wear out. No tylenol, or avdil, it could kill your cats(it's meant for humans anyways). Allow them to rest and sleep, by tomorrow they'll be normal again.

  12. Never give a medication to your cats that has not been prescribed by a vet. Aspirin and Tylenol can cause kidney failure in cats. Do you have  a detailed invoice from the vet that performed the surgeries? It will list what medications they have been given. The last kitten that I had spayed was given a pain-killer during surgery that I was told would stay in her system for 3 days (until the worst was over) as well as pre-surgery pain-killer. I was amazed at how quickly she recovered (hours after surgery) with these pain meds.

    You cannot buy pain meds for your cat without a veterinary prescription. There are no OTC pain meds for cats. Your vet or vet tech should have discussed with you the meds they have been given and if they need ongoing medication. Call the vet and ask about pain medication. Neutering is non-invasive and cats usually recover very quickly. Spaying is a hysterectomy and cats should be given pain medication by the vet, such as my cat was given.

  13. I've had 2 males neutered and 2 females spayed. None of them were ever in any pain after getting home. The vet gave them a pain reliever and they were fine through the whole healing process.

    If they got pain meds at the vet I'd be looking for a new veterinarian. Because if its done right they shouldn't be in much pain.

    How do you know they're in pain? What are the signs?

  14. You shouldn't get your pets fixed. It will be better if you don't. But it's too late now, isn't it? Sorry!

  15. Don't worry, they should be fine.

    As others have said, if they aren't crying horribly they probably aren't in that much pain.  My girl got spayed yesterday.  She's an adult and has had at least two litters (she was a stray cat) and today she's getting around really well.  It's tougher on the older ones but she still seems to be doing very well already.  

    Never give a cat any medicine without checking with a vet first.  Don't trust what you read online, you need an expert opinion.  Human pain killers are never good for cats and can kill them.  

    Cheers to you for getting your pets fixed!  They will live much easier lives and will be happier.  

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