
My central air doesn't seem to be working right to me

by  |  earlier

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is a 2 ton and my home is 1000 sqf each floor, i can ot get my home to cool off with out a horrible hyrdo bill(setting it at 72) its wont get to that temperature. only night time, my home is brand new and we built it 6 yrs ago this s an ongoing problem, and techs we have called said therei s nothing wrong with AC, i find this hard to belive since my home temp during the day in 85 degree heat outside inside temp is 77. also i have many celing fans on circulating air. ?? any one here would help. i dont think a 2 ton is big enough for my home or something is not right with the coil itself..




  1. 1000 square feet is right around the limit of a 2 ton.I think something else is going on.I can guarranty you that you will get more latent heat removal if you have a 2&1/2 on the inside and a 2 ton on the outside.

    Suggest it and make sure that you know the size of the indoor coil first.Good luck.

  2. There amy be several factors to your home not cooling. For example the unit may not be big enough, your walls and attic space are not insulated enough etc. I would trust the techs, your a/c is probably not sized right. consider yourself lucky you get 77, I lived in florida and could not get lower than 82

  3. Go to a reputable and independent air conditioning firm and ask the following:-

    What size unit is needed to attain the temperature you are wanting in your home?

    Will they come out and do a complete 'assessment' of your unit and home?

    What will the cost of the quote be?

    What 'options' do you have to repair/replace your current unit, if need be?

    Are you ceiling fans going in the 'right' direction?

    Is there a 'warranty' with the original supplier of your unit?

    Do you have home insurance to cover any 'repairs' that might be needed?

    Good luck. Hope this helps some.

  4. You say "1000 sqft each floor" I assume 2 floors, so 2000 sqft.

    2 tons is not enough for 2000 sqft.  Typical though, I'd bet the developer that built your house undersized the HVAC to save money.  Generally you need 1 ton for ~ 500 sqft of living space

  5. You say your home is 1000 sq. ft. each floor.  You have TWO floors??  Meaning that you are trying to cool a total of 2000 sq. ft. of room space with only 2 tons a/c rating equipment? And you have outside summertime temperatures of from 85 to 90 degrees. And you would like to be able to have a controlled temperature inside of your home of around 72 degrees (considered ideal)?

    Dear Questioner, I do believe that you need another 2 ton complete unit and revision to your ducting system so as to segregate the first floor from the second.  I believe that by investing the money on such now will be repaid over the next few years in much more desirable comfort control and less utility bills and less 'wear and tear' on your a/c equipment.

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