
My chain on my bmx bike is loose, every time i ride it, it falls off, i can't go far, What do i do?

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I finally fixed the flat tire in the back of my bmx bike, and i wanted to go ride it, but the frustrating thing was, i went to go ride it , and the chain falls off every time i ride it. I can't get out of my driveway the thing is so loose, help?




  1. tighten the chain, on the rear tire (take off the pegs if you have them) than under the pegs there will be to nuts,one on each side, take those off. have somone pull the tire back as far as they can, and have somone in the front holding the bike still. then put the nuts back on

  2. if you havent triend it yet loosen your back wheel, hav a friend hold your front handle bars while  you pull on the back tire,try to pul it the farthest back it will go then tighten the bolts back when the wheel is as far back as it can go. that should give more tension soo the chain will stay on

  3. Losten the bolts for the tire and move the tire back, it will tighten up the chain.  Your welcome.

  4. You wouldnt have this problem if you were riding a mountain bike.

  5. tottaly rite hiya.

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