
My chalet for my birthday is coming up .. may i noe how to stop it from coming .. because i wanna go swimming?

by Guest33609  |  earlier

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My chalet for my birthday is coming up .. may i noe how to stop it from coming .. because i wanna go swimming?




  1. Firstly, what do you want to stop from coming? and phrasing your sentence like that seemed to have obscene connotations at first.So what is it?

  2. IDK what a chalet is, but if you meant your period you can always try getting knocked up first.

  3. What??????  A chalet is a type of building and what is "noe"?

  4. when my chalet is coming, it's pretty obvious because it's easy to see a house walking down the street.  Maybe you need to get your house arrested or get a restraining order, that will keep it away. Does your chalet hog your pool?

  5. I'm sorry, but this question isn't making much sense to me.  As far as I know, a "chalet" is a house, and what that has to do with swimming, I have NO idea.

  6. What do you mean? Please rewrite your question or change the section you put it in.

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