
My chances of transferring to UC Berkeley from community college?

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I am currently attending a junior college (santa monica college) and ready to apply for transfer to UCs this fall semester.

I am currently majoring in Sociology and I was just wondering how good of a chance I have in transferring to UC Berkeley.

I have a few Fs and Ws but after all the re-takes and so on, my GPA is 3.71





  1. Everything you need to know about transferring to Berkeley can be found in this university published brochure:

  2. I think you have a good chance!!!

    You should apply as soon as possible..and stop waisting your time.

  3. Hard to say.  Why not contact one of the professors in the Sociology Department at UCB and ask him or her?  I know one of the professors in that department and she is open to being asked questions and very helpful.  The counselors at your CC can also be helpful.  Good Luck.

    If you contact a professor at UCB you might want to send a letter instead of an email.  Spell check your letter on MS WORD or whatever software you use to compose with and if you have good penmanship, hand write it.

  4. Kinda doubt it

    but you can try...

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