
My cheerleading team is sooo hard to get along with.?

by Guest66005  |  earlier

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Every year there's always someone on the team that has a problem with me and I don't understand that. I am a nice person and I am good at what I do. I could be a little better at my tumbling but im good at everything else. I also dont talk that much because im sort of shy so i couldnt have said something to affend them. So what is there not to like about me? Last year one girl didn't like me because I stood up for myself when she tried to boss me around and no one else would, even tho they all felt the same way about her as I did. They didnt even back me up which really sucked. This year the coach kicked her off the team because of her attitude. So I'm thinking that this year is going to be fun because there are no girls with attitudes on team. But i was wrong. Just recently we had a game and I messed up on one of the cheers. All the other cheers I did right but I messed on this one because coach put me in a different spot for that cheer forcing me to learn a new part. I didn't mean to! But recently some of the girls have been talking about me behind my back and I dont know why but I think its because I messed up. I just dont understand that. Everyone makes mistakes and I did everything else exactly like I was suppose to. Why are they doing this to me! I never done anything to hurt any of them. I was always nice to them and they just find one small thing to pick on me about. Maybe that's the problem. Maybe I'm just to nice and now they think they can say whatever they want to about me. Uh! Sometimes I just wish I could quit but I love the sport to much. The people are getting on my nerves though!




  1. I was on a cheerleading squad for 11 years; this is going to happen. Trust me. There's always going to be people who mess up on cheers and dance performances and others who will be embarrassed by that person and it will cause conflict. There's always going to be the girl who is the best cheerleader and best tumbler and frowns upon everyone else because they aren't on her level. These are the girls you spend your practices, games, competitions, etc. with. That's a lot of time spent! What I would do if I were you is call a "meeting" between you and the cheerleaders and explain to them how you feel and try to resolve all of this. Tell them that everyone's bound to make mistakes and instead of yelling at that person about it, try and help them as a team. If this still doesn't work out, I'd tell your coach because she could probably take care of it. Still, if this doesn't work I'd go to the athletics director of your school. Good luck, and I hope this all works out for you so you could have a good season!  

  2. they are trying to intimidate you.

    and from experience, being too nice will result in people taking advantage of you.

    most cheerleaders i know act like that, because they are full of themselves.

    but from what ive read, you aren't one of them. you're cool.

    just don't let them get you down and continue to stand up for yourself.

    if anything, tell your coach if they still keep it up.

  3. Don't worry, pay NO attention to people like that. There is always someone who has to be nasty for no reason, people are like that to me too sometimes. It is not all right to criticize other peoples' mistakes because everybody makes them. I watched the olympic rhythmic gymnastics earlier this month and even some of them messed up, and they're the best in the world! You could always transfer and join a different cheerleading club (if there is one). Hope this helps.

  4. on many cheerleading squads including the one i am all the girls secretly try to compete with each other.It many not be you,some of the girls may just be jealous of you.

  5. I'm sorry you're having to go through this.  My daughter is a cheerleader, and there was a girl on her squad last year who was in your same situation.  She's a real sweet girl, and kind of quiet, but for some reason, everyone picked on her.  If a stunt didn't work, everyone would blame her - even if it wasn't her fault.  I don't know why; maybe it was because she wasn't really close friends with anyone on the squad.  Luckily, my daughter and another girl always stood up for her, and eventually it stopped.

    It might help if you could get to know some of the girls a little better, on a personal level. Try getting together with them outside of cheer; maybe offer to have a team party or sleepover at your house, or organize some kind of activity with the whole squad - movie night, a trip to the nail spa, or a shopping trip.  If they can get to know you better as a person, they'll become more aware that you're a person with feelings.  You might not become best friends with everyone, but if you can get closer to at least a few of your team members, it will probably help a lot.

    But don't quit!  If you love cheerleading, stick with it.  After all, it's something you're doing for yourself, and that's what matters the most!

  6. hey ma i am the varsity cheer captain for somerset high school so ofcorse i know how it feels to have some people against you if you what i mean. When things happen like that what i normally do if i cant take care of it myself is i tell a responsible adult like my coach,parents or sponser. i hope things get better! i <3 to cheer

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