
My chest freezer leaked and everything thawed. It then started working again and has been working for ?

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a month with very little food in it. I am getting a half a beef and am wondering if I can trust this freezer? Is there a decent freezer alarm I could buy? Any help is appreciated. Thanks




  1. Well, its nice that its working now, but honestly, I wouldn't trust it.  Especially if you are going to get a half of beef.  I don't know of any alarm for a freezer.  Maybe have someone come out and look at it, and find out why it quit in the first place.  You don't want to lose all that beef.  Better to be safe, than sorry.  Good luck!

  2. I would call a repairman to check out the entire works before putting half a beef in your unreliable freezer.

    Better to replace it now than have to replace it AND the half a beef.

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