
My chest hurts on the lower right side of my body.My ribs feel slightly tender when I touch them.?

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The pain is only really noticable when Im sitting forward and it doesnt hurt to breathe but Im concerned nevertheless. I also have a slight pain in my shoulder and upper back on that side too. Any suggestions as to what might be causing this?




  1. that could definetely be your golbladder or even your appendix. Your appendix, even though most people dont know this, can be infected and not causing you excruciating pain. It sounds more like your golbladder though, bc when the golbladder is infected it sends shooting pains across your chest and up and down your back and around your shoulders. You usually dont notice it so much but its enough that its uncomfortable. Golbladders arent that serious, its just like your appendix. If it gets ne worse i would suggest going to the local urgent care to get it checked, or even your doctor. hope that helped!

  2. I have to agree with E.L. because I had this a couple months ago right between my ribs (although it hurt when I laid down and sometimes to breath) and I went to the doctor and he just said.... Take a couple Advils/Tylenols, you've pulled a muscle! lol

    Hope this helps!

  3. You may have slept in an uncomfortable position (possibly with an arm between your chest and the bed), or like Arnold says.....iittt's aaa tuuummmoooorrr

  4. It sounds to me like your gall bladder is giving you problems and while it might seem minor now it will increase to the point of throwing up bile and you will have extreme pain. If you lay off the soda pop and drink water plus stop eating fried foods it might stop for awhile. But bottom line is get it checked out by a doctor. I fought this problem for years because I really don't like the idea of getting cut on. I reached the point where I was so sick that I thought I would die and the surgeon removed my gall bladder laproscopicly on a thursday evening and by sunday I was shopping at the mall. I was wondering why I wanted so long to get it done.  

  5. If this pain has only been going on for a day or three, then don't worry about it too much as you probably just pulled a muscle and it will take some time and go away on its own.

    However, if this has been going on for a week or two it is time to go see a doctor.

  6. the best suggestion you will get from a doctor. Just go and have a visit to the doctor and do not delay to much, you never know ...

    :o) all the best to you!

  7. Sounds like you may have slept in a strange position or have pulled a couple of the muscles that you use when bending forward.

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