
My chest is already strong but i want it firmer?

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i already bench press 230 for a 160 guy at 5'11 but i got a big chest but when girls feel my chest area they say its flabby and not firm. why is that? i am not overweight i can see my abs a little bit and my chest is strong but its flabby. how do you get firmer chest muscles so its hard and not soft??




  1. Do 5 million diamond push ups in 6 seconds (Only a few people will understand this). Just do low weight and high rep. Choose a weight that you can only bench about 8 or 10 times. This is between low weight, high rep and high weight, low rep. You will gain more definition and more muscle density and they will be firmer.

  2. do loads of steroids!

    no, make sure every time those girls touch it you tense and then say, "now let me feel your chest"

    no, it's all about keeping toned so i guess you should do like 10 reps on your bench EVERY day or something.

  3. cardio!

    though i think it's a bit far fetched that you can bench press 230 lbs at your weight. most guys are doing GREAT to bench press their weight, let alone 60 or so lbs over it. if you can, your chest should be hard as a rock.

    the problem is fat. even if you're not "fat"...your body fat percentage is probably too high. try jumping rope, jogging, and lifting lighter weights a bunch of times. this burns fat and increases stamina. and raises your heart rate.

    the key to cardio is to elevate your heart rate and keep it up for at least 30 minutes.

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