
My chicken hens are starting to lay eggs. I need some advice.

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I have two 5 month old hens. My Cornish Rock has started to lay eggs. Her egg was very weak and broke. She appears to be trying to lay another one. My question is: What extra things do I need to do for her? Like what supplements does she need? etc. Any info on this subject would be greatly appreciated. This is my first time raising chickens. Thanks in advance.




  1. Actually mine did the same thing when we first had chickens and still do depends on what you have on the bottom of the nesting area, need to be soft. Plus you have to feed them stuff that will give your hen calcium, I would recommend oyster shells that will harden the shell plus help your hens poster and bones. Their is another thing you can use is called laying pellets but I wouldn't reccomend that oyster shells are cheap and affordable.

    I hope this can help you out :]  

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