
My chicken was attacked by my shihtzu today, do you think it will die by tomorow it has its tail chewed off ?

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my chicken was attacked my dog ripped its tail feathers off it was all raw and no skin, i went to check it just before & it looked dead. do you think if it is still alive that it will survive ... if it has survived what should i do to help her recover her skin and feathers i DONT want to put her down if she can recover. so what can i do if she has survived......




  1. Birds suffer from shock after an attack or many injuries.  So long as there is no blood loss, the bird should recover if kept safe, warm and quiet.

  2. Go to the vet!

  3. Put some disinfecting cream on it's back and seporated from the other chickens.  Unless it is bleeding, it should heal pretty well.  This has happened too my other chickens alot.  I just put the in my garage(In a dog pen) check on them alot ND MAKE SURE THEY HAVE ALOT OF FEED AND WATER.    

  4. it should be ok because some chickens have a habott of feather picking  and will pluck out all of there tail feathers.

  5. If its still eating then i will be fine the feathers will grow back,BUT it will take up to 6-8 months depending when it molts next(grows new feathers,like a dogs molts & grows a summer or winter coat.) Though delayed shock kills normally,so she might die. You said she looked dead,right? Well if she looks AWFUL then she probably won't survive. If after a day - two days she is fine & eating & drinking then she should be fine. At the moment lock her in her coop & give plenty of water & food,& leave her to calm down(KEEP THE DOG AWAY!!) Even if she eats a little its a good sign. If shes that bad the vet wouldn't need to put her down as the main thing to worry about is NOT the ripped feathers but her stress level. If after a couple of days she is fine then apply a weeny bit of baby lotion or cream to the sore area to sooth it. this should help. Hope she makes a full recovery & best of luck! x*x

  6. my boxer attacked my chicken, and i thought he was dead. he lost nearly all his feathers. call me crazy but i fed him kind vitamin cereal and a penisilon shot and he looks great


    try to keep her warm

  8. It ripped off its feathers?? Or did it damage its  flesh if its just feathers it will heal and grow back, if the chicken is bleeding considerably and the wound is not treated correctly then the chicken is at risk of an infection, a vet might help you with treatments of the flesh get it cheked asap, or trying disenfetants to kill germs. Hope that helps  

  9. This is a common injury to poultry by dogs or foxes. Most important - keep the bird quiet, warm and in a dark place.

    Secondly, if there is raw flesh - spray with an anti-bacterial spray or sponge the area with diluted dettol, ect.

    Thirdly, keep the 'recovery' area clean with fresh water and food.

    Basically, stress will kill more often that anything else with chickens so just wait and see. Don't worry about expensive vet bills - the chicken will live or die regardless whether you involve a vet or not

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