
My chihuahua's eating issue?

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I have adopted a chihuahua puppy from an abused home.

She is between 8-10 months old. only 3.2 lbs!

She is roughly a 1lb under weight in my opinion(she is skin and bones)

She has been with us a week tomorrow and already is apart of the family! She isn't as nervous as the first couple of days.

She has really calmed down and is eating now, but she doesn't digest food??

I already knew from the woman who bought her from the abusive family that her stomach was sensitive she has special dog food, but doesn't like it and only will eat cottage cheese.

She is starting to take table scraps, before she was to scared. I am not feeding her junk either, like ground beef and stuff is what I have been giving her things down that line.

I fed her pineapple the other night and a good 18 hours later she puked it up and it wasn't digested at all!

Why isn't she digesting. like I said she has really started to come around now, she snuggles kisses and is even playing!! Which I am thrilled to see. I have been working hard to help properly adjust her to her new and permanent home. I think it is working too.

What can I do to help her gain weight? She is literally skin and bones.

Also why isn't she digesting things other than beef and cottage cheese? I have the calorie paste for hypoglycemia , because my other chi has it. Mollie really won't eat that though. Pepper has learned to like it because when she gets sick we have to force feed it to her.

I just want to help rehabilitate this pup to the fullest, she is so sweet. Makes me sick that some one harmed her. She doesn't bite at all either, just doesn't have any self confidence. I can already see her picking it up from our 2 other cheeky dogs, a chihuahua and a pug.




  1. I know that for food to digest it needs to be in the stomach a while and blood inside the body has to get to it. If it's not getting digested all I can suggest is taking her to a vet.

  2. Maby she has trouble eating becouse of something that happened in her abuseive family.I would just try new foods that are good for her and see if dog treats would work or anouther type of meat.But be careful of what you fed her becouse i have 2 dogs and one of them has a verry sensitive digestive sytem and the littlest food will get him sick for a week. And if that doesnt work then i would bring her to the vet.  

  3. im a vet assistant and we only tell people to feed there dog pineapple if shes eating her poo. other than that its too sour for the stomachs. try boiling chicken legs with broth and see if she will eat that. if shes eating cottage cheese clearly she needs vitamins and protien but cottage cheese is dairy you cant give a dog our milk either it will make them sick even give them worms. try puppy milk instead

  4. All questions for a veterinarian.

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