
My chihuahua fell out of my lap and landed on her head?

by  |  earlier

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she was on her back kicking her legs. i picked her up fast to check for bleeding and to feel for a fracture in her skull (you could hear her land through the house). i put her down to see if she could walk and she had trouble standing on her front legs. she's usually the first one to bark (out of 4) at anything. when the others went to barking she just looked at me. she is l*****g water off my fingers and she finally started walking better. she is responding to her name. should i still take her to the vet or does it sound like she'll be ok.




  1. yes you should still take her to the vet! You might have taken her when it first happened. She very well could have had a concussion or worse.

  2. Vet is a great idea........ I have a chihuahua  to...... When it gets.... hurt felled it will do that.. This could be serious..... So go to the Vet cause dot want to end up with a messed up broken bone lap....Especially the head area.. That part is very sensitive.. And legs can break easily cause the breed is so small...... hope this helps....

  3. i think you've waited long enough..first off the dog fell on her head no wonder shes acting the way she is..thats gotta hurt, you never know if the dog will be okay..look at it this way when you go to the vets and they say shes fine well at least you took her and you were able to make sure shes okay but if you dont take her and something wrong with her that you cant tell....then something might happen

  4. take her.

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