
My chihuahua is pregnant and has white stuff coming out of her v****a.?

by  |  earlier

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She is due around September 20th, I took her tempature a few hours ago and it was 100 degrees F. I just checked her v****a and she has a little bit of blood but a lot of white stuff coming out. Could anyone tell me what is going on?




  1. She should not have any discharge, she does need to see a vet.  

  2. Probably trying to miscarry...take her to the vet asap as her life could depend on it...especially if she has set up an infection

  3. you should take her in to see the vet..she could be trying to miscarry the pups.

  4. Did she get pregnant by PCB??

  5. "Could anyone tell me what is going on?"

    a vet and your mentor.  

  6. My dogs are not responsable

  7. If you would have gotten your dog fixed you would not be asking this question!. That is something you should have known b4 now and not ask while it is happening!. Hope she is fixed after this.  

  8. call your vet or mentor.. they can better advice you.

  9. she is having the puppies!! early!!

  10. Glad all is well other than the 1 pup... I know how hard it is to worry over your dogs.

    I want to recommend a book to you as it is good for learning about stuff like this.

    Breeding a Litter prenatal and postnatal care

    my blog:

    check the book out it will help with stuff as you get prepared and have the pups.

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