
My chihuahua is sneezing blood, what could be wrong?

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I noticed that my chihuahua has been sneezing little tiny drops of blood that I only notice on my white bed comforter.. It's very small but it has been going on for a few weeks and she doesn't act any different. Could this be allergies, is there something I can try over the counter?




  1. Never try over the counter meds without speaking to the veterinarian first. Many medications are harmful and toxic to dogs. If blood is involved I would take your little guy to the veterinarian. It could be allergies, or something lodged in the nasal cavity, or the nasal cavity could be too small. Please just see a veterinarian.

  2. DO NOT LET THIS KEEP HAPPENING!  A few weeks ago would have been a great time to bring her in to see the vet.  Don't let this go untreated, take her to the vet now!  It could be a very serious internal bleeding problem!  If you sneezed blood, would you think it was allergies?!

  3. A few weeks!? Take the vet TODAY!

  4. take your chihuahua to the vet he could have something inside its nose that could be hurting him

  5. Has your dog been vaccinated for kennel cough recently?  If so, this could be a rare complication of the intra-nasal vaccination.  See  It also could be rhinitis or sinusitis, either from a previous intra-nasal vaccine or other nasal assault.

    Unfortunately, it also sounds a lot like a nasal tumor or other respiratory tract cancer.  Please see a good vet right away.

    Good luck, hope your baby is better very soon!

  6. Time for a vet trip.  Sneezing blood is not allergies.  More likely something lodged in her nasal passage or a tumor in her sinuses.  Get her in now.  

  7. mabey you should then i also agree with other anwser

  8. Sounds like tick fever.



    Good luck.

  9. Hmm, let's think about this for a second; your animal could be very sick. Who takes care of sick animals? Yahoo Answers?

    Go to the vet please. Good luck.

  10. why havent you brought it to the vets already? 2 weeks????? how irresponsible... I'm sorry, but I am very upset. It's people like you that should not have pets. You're lucky it isn't dead. Go to the vets now

  11. you really need to take your dog to the vet, something serious could be wrong

  12. NEVER give your pet any medications without the advice of a veterinarian.

    If your dog is sneezing blood, you need to see your vet.  There's nothing that a bunch of strangers on a website can do for you.

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