
My child's father is a citizen of Sri Lanka. How can he get to America to see his son?

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My child's father is a citizen of Sri Lanka. How can he get to America to see his son?




  1. Very hard to get a visitors visa when he has a family in the US. He will be considered a overstay risk.

    Try for an immigration visa

  2. 1) It may be easier to take the child to Sri Lanka to meet him.  Visas are usually easier for Americans visiting overseas (particularly the developing world)

    2) You can apply for an Immigrant Visa (do not know specific category).  The reason I say this is because he would be viewed as a high risk to become an illegal immigrant.

  3. your son can file for him when he's an adult.

  4. You should go to where your baby daddy is in sri lanka and build a home there. Lot of really neat things to do there.

  5. He can apply for immigration if he has an immediate relative who can sponsor him.  You cannot sponsor him if you are not married, and his son cannot.  The wait will be roughly 10 - 12 years or so if he meets all of the qualifications.  

    With his son here, if he applies for a tourist visa, they will suspect he intends to overstay.  Tourist visa is not likely to be granted.  But he would need sufficient funds to cover all the usual expenses of a tourist: round-trip plane ticket, hotel reservations, restaurant meals, sightseeing, etc.  And he needs a letter from his employer detailing the dates of his vacation, and stating they expect him to return to his job.  He needs to own property or have a family there or something that would prove he has to return home to Sri Lanka.

    The fastest and easiest way for your son's father to see him is for you to take the child to Sri Lanka on vacation.

  6. Fly?

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