
My child 5 year complain loss consitration at pre school idont no what to do?

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My child 5 year complain loss consitration at pre school idont no what to do?




  1. Your child is complaining of losing concentration a pre-school?

    Its probably there is too much noise and activities going on.

    See if they can put your child in a smaller class and maybe

    that will help.

  2. concentration or constipation? Your grammar and spelling are difficult to understand.

  3. 1.  Get some books about parenting that are written by reputable sources.  Read them.  Learn what a developmental task is, and what are reasonable expectations of young children.

    2.  Talk with the preschool teacher and ask her/him if there are any issues you should be aware of and what progress your child is making.

    3.  Talk with your pediatrician.  Ask if your child is developing as would be expected.

    I worked in schools for many years and no five year old has ever reported a loss of concentration.  There are not a lot of things 5 year olds are expected to have to concentrate on for more than short periods.  

    If your child needs to develop the ability to focus on a task for longer periods, the teachers and your doc should be able to give you some exercises to do with your child at home.

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