
My child constantly lies to me and when she claims to be telling the truth I don't believe her.?

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We had baptism service at church & the people getting baptized had all their belongings (clothes, shoes,etc...) in a room downstairs. Two of the girls shoes came up missing & no one knew what happened to the shoes (including me). B4 all this came up I had let my daughter go to the bathroom & @ the time she was about 6 or 7 yrs. old. Long story short the shoes were found (actually my daughter found the shoes, she went right 2 the spot they were located in). She looked me dead in my face & said she did not hide the shoes (I knew she had something 2 do w/ it because she was the only 1down there @ the time. I told her there was a video camera in the room & we were going 2 watch it. Of course she got scared & admitted 2 hiding the shoes. 2 nite I found out some tissue was put in the toilet @ the nursing home my grandma is in (my daughter is there w/my mom). A nurse saw my daughter go into the restroom & leave out. I asked my daughter if she did it & she said no. Why does she lie 2 me. HELP!




  1. Because she does'nt wanna get into trouble. Most kids do this. I went through it. It lasted for about 1 year.

  2. Well, she is afraid of getting in trouble. You could tell her that she would be in less trouble if she told you instead of making you have to find out. Tell her you're not going to get mad unless she lies. (well you won't get AS mad)

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