
My child fell down an airvent to my basement he seams to be ok should I bring him in to get checked out anyway

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My child fell down an airvent to my basement he seams to be ok should I bring him in to get checked out anyway




  1. If he hit his head, no matter how hard, than yes.  Even if he feels no pain or it is bearable, something could still be long.  

    I would also just go on the safe side and make sure everything is fine.

  2. If your child is hurt then you should get him checked up and also if he is complaining about pains but if he is just small cuts and bruises is normal just put some neosporin because the doctors are going to charge crazy bills when there going to say put neosporin and band-aids

  3. Since you're obviously not a doctor, there is only one sure fire way to determine if a medical check up is necessary. You go head first down the air vent and let us know if you need 911.

  4. OMG. Wow. there may not be anything wrong with him but still get him checked out by the doc.

    ...and him falling down a vent to the basement, the docs may have some questions about that and bring in the social workers.

    I wish the best for you. God Bless.

  5. Watch him for a concussion (skull fracture) -- Look up the signs online -- They'll say what you should look for.

    Probably better to get someone to check him -- especially if he is little -- But if he seems/looks fine and has no marks or anything - the one thing that can 'sneak' up on you is a concussion and it can kill him if you don't bring him in.....

  6. take him to your gp for a check up. see what they say from there.

  7. Make sure he is not having trouble breathing, Ask him if anything hurts, see if he is bleeding, Is he acting confused? he should be fine then if the answers are no. Feel the back of his neck also to make sure there are no bumps or bones sticking out.  Feel for any bumps on his head.  This is all i can help with because i don't know how old or weight or anything

  8. Yes you need to take him to get checked anyways, there could be something wrong that he wouldn't even notice unusual.

    By the way; its seems ;D.

  9. No if he doesn't have a bump or anything then he should be fine. but if you see a bump or redness anywhere, you need to have him checked out!

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