
My child got his vaccinations too early?

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I didn't know this was possible, but I registered my oldest for public school for the first time today, and they told me he had gotten 4 shots 2 days too early, and would have to get those shots over again! Is 2 days really a big deal? Also, it concerns me because I am NOT against vaccination, but with the scare of autism and other problems, could being "over-vaccinated" or re-vaccinated cause autism? Are there any studies on the effects of having to have the shots redone?

Why would the doctors/nurses vaccinate kids early if these shots are just going to have to be redone, or is this just the public schools being way too picky about dates? If I had known, I wouldn't have scheduled the appointments for their shots until late to make sure they would be considered valid...anyone else have this problem?




  1. Contact your doctor's office and tell them the problem the school is having.  They should be able to straighten everything out.  I was in line to check in once and heard the nurse say an infant had gotten her vaccine too early so the parents had to rearrange for the second round of shots to be done at a different time.  I would definitely go with what your doctor says though.

  2. I don't understand how they can be given too early... I am a teacher and I haven't heard any of my parents say this happened to them...

    I also worry as childhood vaccinations have been linked to autism which is more and more prevalent each school year...

    Call you Dr's office, find out if they know what the school is talking about- and why they let you get shots 2 days to early...

  3. ask your doctor. sometimes schools can be to picky. the doctors office would have had a record of your child's shots and would have known if they were being given to early. i think there is a window of a few days before that is OK.

  4. 2 days early wouldn't make a difference.  Something is wrong here.   My kids both sometimes got theirs a little early or even a little later depending on when the appointment was.  As long as your child has them, it's fine.  I would call the health department and talk to someone.

  5. No, I would argue about taht.  DO NOT get them again.

    Also, just get a letter from the doctor saying that your child has been vacinated and does not need anymore shots.

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