
My child had two imaginary kids when he was young and I am wondering some stuff about them? See details?

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Ok, so my child had two kids when he was a child. Quindom and Corea! He pretended he had these kids from when he was 2 years old to 5 years old. I was at dinner tonight and we were talking about them so I thought I would ask the world what they thought. How do you come up with names like that out of the blue? Especially when you were two years old. I did some research in google but nothing came up.. From when he was 2 years old to five years old I would ask him, What are you doing Johnny? And he would reply: I am with my children Quindom and Corea, EVERY time... What could this mean? Are these imaginary children of his his sole mates? Please post a detailed response and include if you are a psychic, psychologist, historian etc etc...




  1. I am not psychic, but I believe in past lives and I'm spiritual. I think in his past life he did have two children by that name and now he can either see them (because he is psychic) or he remembers.

    I know someone who has a horrible fear of fountains, like in the park or something. When they went to a Hypnotherapist and was regressed, they saw that they drowned in a huge fountain, in a past life.

    He might be a bit young to be regressed, but I would keep asking questions. Does he see people, can he describe what they look like, or how he came up with those names. This is nothing to be scared of, children have been known to see or remember more than an adult, that might seem crazy. I would look up regression and past lives books. They are interesting and could help alot.

  2. This does not have anything to do with psychic stuff (which doesn't exist anyway) or spiritualism or the like...

    It has everything to do with what a small child needs who is growing up alone or feeling that he is. Such a child needs someone of his own age to talk with and feel friendly with, someone who can give advice or help him understand things in his world. Such a child will talk with an imaginary friend to help him make it through lonely times.

    The same, by the way, goes for prayer and talking with God/Jesus or other imaginary religious figures. Adults can be just as lonely as little kids, just as uncertain, and just as in need of advice and friendship as a 2 or 4 years old. We adults think we are so smart...we call it "religion" when, in fact, it's just a grown-up example of having an imaginary friend.

    Your son had over 3 million separate experiences before he started first grade. Not all of them are connected with each other, and many of them (looking back) probably don't make much sense.

    If I were you, I'd let the whole thing go and let him get on with his life without having someone worrying about something as universal and natural as a childhood imaginary friend.

    -- Rev. Dr. Bob

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