
My child has an anger prblem and hes only 31/2. I think Ive tried everything, What do I do to help him?

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I have two kids, one that is 41/2 and one that is 31/2. My youngest has a anger problem. Im worried about his future and want to help him through this before it becomes a bigger problem down the road. Any advice ?? I feel like Ive tried everything.




  1. Your kids  to young to tell if they have an anger problem.

  2. Explore feelings and anger with him.

    Once he is finished having a tantrum and has calmed down, ask him where he felt the anger and ask him how come he felt that way. He is a little young, but he may be able to point out where he "felt" his anger..

    Once you have explored and figured out where he feels his anger and knows what it feels like to be angry...he will eventually know when hes getting angry just by the feeling he gets and relating back to when you explored his angry feeling. This may give him a chance at allowing himself a "timeout" when he feels angry in the future..

    Explore other emotions too.

    Also, you could try a counsellor

    Best of luck

  3. tried counseling, what did the therapist tell you to do..with behavioral issues and how to control his anger..tried a intervention program for him..there are usually services provided in each community

  4. I would certainly talk to his doctor about his problem.  Write down all you know about your child's problem before you go to the doctor.

    1.  Is his anger short lived or does it take a long time to get over it.

    2.  Can he sit still for a long period of time say 10 or 15 min?

    3.  Will he give you a hug and kiss?  Can he be affectionate?

    4.  When he is angry, what is his expression?  Is it a calm looking expression or an ugly looking expression?

    5.  Will he sit still and let you read him a book or tell a story?

    6.  Does he play good or bad with his brother?

    Just take as much information as you can when you talk to him doctor.

    He could have ADHD which is "Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder".  Usually this is not discovered until they are of school age but my grandson has it and I knew he had something wrong with him when he was 2 or 3 years old.  His parents couldn't see it.  It was only when he got in school that they diagnosed that it was ADHD.  

    A lot of children have ADHD and medication helps the problem.  They tried not to give him the medicine on the week ends because it curbs his appetite.  But by Sunday night, he was climbing the walls, he just could not be still and he was doing bad things.  As long as he is taking the medication, he is fine.

    Your son might have something else but I do know that ADHD is pretty commom and it can be helped.  Not curried, but helped with the mediction.


  5. At this age, most kids have anger problems.  They are learning how to manage their emotions.  Some problems stem from problems their parents are having.  You may not realize that YOU have an anger problem.  Kids mimic the behavior they see in adults.  YOU must set the example for appropriate behavior and you must follow the same rules as your children.

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