
My child has an earache help now......?

by  |  earlier

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I have some Amoxicillin 500 capsule he is 7 ,I ran out of the liquid will this help .we saw the doctor Wednesday he got better but now it seems to be acting up again,




  1. This sounds really stupid, but they use it on airplanes.

    Take two styrofoam cups and put a HOT, wet wash cloth in each one; hold over the child's ears.  The heat helps with the pain.  Looks kinda funny, but works wonders!

  2. you might have to call his doctors office again it all depends on the doctor sometimes they can call in a perscription for you but i think that u should wait and see what the doctor say first . it might be a lil to strong for him to take. if u have sum childrens tylenol that will stop the pain. untill u can get to his doctor..... have a blessed day

  3. Ill need a bit of info first was the liquid amoxixillin as well? and if yes what was the dosage the doctor prescribed?

    if not what was the liquid?

  4. If that's a dose for a child give it to him but it doesn't sound like a child's med. Just take him to the emergency room or the clinic. Use a hot water bottle or hot air from your hair dryer. Don't burn him put a dry rag on his ear that should help.

  5. i dont thank it would hurt him but if i was u i would thank about breaking it into and giving him hafe  nothing about that med can hurt him unless he takes way to much

  6. give paracetomol and go back to the doctor

  7. i would say just give him plenty of fluids and let him rest. Things happen like that. i would advise seeing another doctor

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