
My child has anxiety....dealing ?

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Ok, my daughter has anxiety and is going to a counselor. It's been going on for 5-6 weeks now. I think that it's a little separation anxiety mixed with other fears. The counselor hasn't pinpointed it out yet (we just started counseling). She has a hard time with going to school and is obsessed with when my husband will pick her up in the afternoon. If he's late, she gets really worried and cries a lot. She cries about school, has vomited, hyper-ventilated, and is very clingy. She's only seven years old! My husband and I are having a hard time dealing with it. Going from "what's wrong" to " I can understand that". It's frustrating not being able to help and depressing at the same time. Is there anyone else dealing with a similar situation? What do you do? HELP!




  1. Parenting a child with anxiety can be stressful and heart breaking at the same time. The biggest thing you can do is listen to your child and let them know that you are always there for them and you are doing whatever is necessary to help them. It is also very important that you take care of yourself. Use this as a time to get counseling not only for your child but yourself and husband as well. I would also suggest joining a support group or on-line forum where there are other parents raising children with anxiety disorders or other mental illnesses.

  2. You may not believe what I have to say but it is the truth nonetheless. Believe me when I say that I am truly concerned about you and your family's welfare. Humanity is beset by a host of evil spirits called demons. They are responsible for much, if not, most of the personality difficulties, complexities, spiritual pressures, strains, and aggravated forms of evil that characterize our modern social order. However, there is good news. Jesus Christ can deliver your daughter from this obstruction. The Bible gives numerous examples of Jesus casting demons out of people, e.g. 'Matthew 17:14-18' "... a man came to Him, kneeling down to Him and saying, Lord have mercy on my son, for he is an epileptic and suffers severely... And Jesus rebuked the demon, and it came out of him, and the child was cured that very hour." Jesus later granted this authority to his disciples and it still happens today. Jesus loves you and your family whereas Satan will try to sabotage it and has no compunction about taking advantage of childhood circumstances. I introduce to you not religion, but relationship with God through Christ. I plead with you today, accept Jesus Christ into your heart, let Him change you and your daughter's life and I promise you won't regret it.

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