
My child has b***s and is nine and hates to wear bras! help?

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my child has b***s and she is nine she gets it from me i had b***s when i was little and got joked because they were so big i do not want that to happen to my child but she hates to wear bras even sport bras and the bad thing is i had my first period when i was nine so i sure hope that does not happen to her too please help about the b***s!




  1. If she doesn't start being a little more self conscious you will have to explain to her the importance of them because it will start to become inappropriate at school.

  2. Stretchy tank tops then!

  3. I don't know what to say.  I got my period at 10 and was wearing a bra about that time (I was in 5th grade).  Yep, I got teased too because it was just me and few (very few) other girls who had b***s too.  I learned to deal with it.  Really it was only from like 1 boy that teased me.  Later in HS, he ended up dating a girl from our class who had huge b***s, so he was just really into b***s.

  4. Alright- first it depends what size they are.

    If she hates bra's / sports bras in general- I would say try getting her some Camisoles, (undershirts with bra-like protection..) because she can't just go to school without some cover-up. That would be embarrassing for her and they kids will slowly start to notice and make fun of her, (even if she is 9).

    Try to convince her about wearing pads if she gets her period, (I don't think she has a choice, really..) Nine is an EARLY age.

    Or tell your daughter to wear a cute, cropped jacket over her shirt when she goes to school, because it will obviously hide her b*****s a little more. But your daughter has to understand that if she is negligent and does nothing about her b***s, then one day the principal or a teacher will pull her over and have a talk with her or call you, and then she will learn the HARD, awkward and embarrassing way. Worse, maybe even a student will call her names, or rumors will spread and your child will be left with bad memories when she comes home for the day. She will be miserable. If you try to convince her now, I guarantee one day she will thank you for it. =)

  5. I got my b*****s early too. It is always hard to be the only one with something like that. Reminder her that it makes her beautiful and that she is becoming a young woman. When I started developing, my mom and I had a special girl night. We  went out to dinner, did some shopping, and saw a movie. Try getting your daughter a book on growing up and puberty. Always remind her that she can talk to you about anything. Never force her to talk though. All that does is stress her out. Good Luck! ^_^

  6. Once the boys started noticing mine I covered them up.  Hopefully the same will happen to your daughter.

  7. i understand i stated to develope in the fifth grade and didn't like bra but my mother didn't force me to wear them and then one day i felt weird so i decided to wear a bra and now i do 24/7

    make sure you tel her why her bodies changing and a little about the birds and the beez

  8. when i was younger, my mom didnt want anyone to notice that i had b***s, so she wouldent buy me a bra. so instead, she got me a tanktop with a second layer in the chest part to keep them from showing as much and to hold them.

  9. Buy the shirts for her from now on that have abra in them she won't have a choice. Besides she is the child you are the parent she doens't really understand you have to sit down with her and explain to her everything that will be happening tto her body. it will help ease the conversation if she relates to the fact that you went throught the same thing. tell her stories that would peak her interest into talkign with her. Try asking her why she doesn't want to where them. Ease her discomfort.

  10. Well,  I hated to wear pads when I got my period, but you do it anyway. It's part of being a woman.

    You need to explain this to her as a grown woman, mother, and friend and help her understand it. There is no choice here.

  11. i would definitely push the bra-issue. she needs to know that you are making this decision for her because she is too young to make it. i would have her pick what she likes best, and tell her she doesn't have a choice. it isn't a good idea to let her have her way in this. you can also try to get her the strechy tube type tops. the ones that some girls wear by themselves. they are tight enough to be worn under a shirt and they won't be as restrictive to her, and no straps. they sell them around here in the womens sock & pj sections my daughter is large breasted too, and she has a small fram which makes it worse. she had a bit of a problem at first, but i checked everyday to make sure and after about a week she got used to it, that is what the problem is. she isn't used to it. a couple of days and she will be fine.

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