
My child hurt her arm 2days ago she had her wrist x-rayed it was ok, but her hand is still as bad?

by  |  earlier

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she had her wrist/hand shut in a gate we took her to a&e & they x-rayed her wrist as this hurt the most. But now 2days on her wrist is ok but her hand still hurts as mush. she has been having painkillers but it still hurts even if you lightly tuch it & there is a bit of a dent on the top of her hand.

whot should I do? should I take her back to x-ray her hand or should I just take her to the doc's.

please help,

thanx jay




  1. Take her to the doctor and she/he can decide if x-rays need to be taken again.

    Do be careful about giving her pain relievers as if they are taken every 4 to 6 hours they can cause 'rebound' pain which is more painful.

    Try to keep her mind occupied, give her lots of love and try to get her to keep her hand still. Such as when eating laying a small pillow for her to rest her hand on. Even a small sling where her hand and wrist can rest. You can easily make one at home.

    But yes, do take her in. I hope she feels better soon.

  2. You should take her back to the doctor. Let the doctor prescribe or tell you if she needs another x-ray or he may have other 'expert' advise on what to do about it.. You should have taken her to the doctor before you took her for x-ray.

  3. i would take her back to has been known for them to miss something on x-rays because of swelling if it still really painfull and shes relying on pain killers i would definately take her back for your own piece of mind. doctors won't be able to x-ray so they can't really help much. Hope she feels better soon x

  4. If she was my child, I would take her back.  I don't want to scare you but the first thought that comes to my mind is if it has to be re-broken from the time lapse since want to minimise that possibility.

    Take her back and ask them to re-evaluate.

  5. yeh i would take her bk... hosps til to miss alot... last yr i fell on my leg and i couldnt straight it out... i got xray they said nothing was broken and i got mri scan and they said they couldnt see nothing... they took me in for operation to look inside my leg... not one bone in my leg wasnt broken and all my joints were broke even the cartilage... so yeh def get a second option cos hospitals suck at this... u no ur child urself and u no something is wrong wen the pain continues.. so do it xx

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