
My child is 18 how can my child support check be giving to her.doesnt live with mom.havent since she was 15.?

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My child is 18 how can my child support check be giving to her.doesnt live with mom.havent since she was 15.?




  1. i work in a child support any questions e-mail me.

    the money is owed to the parent...for cost of raising the child. it shouldn't go to the child.

    if she doesn't live with the mom or a parent...there needs to either be a custody order given to the judge to show that child support isn't owed or get an atty who can legally emancipate the child and terminate the support.

    if you owe any arrearages then they will still be owed when the current support is stopped.

  2. if she's going to school you will keep giving the money to the mom til she's 21. and why isn't she living with her mom? is she living with you?

    talk to your attorney.

    actually, in oregon, when i turned 18 i had the choice to either recieve the money in a bank account for just me, or sign a paper saying my mom could keep recieving the money. which i did simply because she pays for everything for me.

    its kinda funny. my dad is trying to get out of paying child support for me because he doesnt like me anymore i guess.

    *shrugs shoulders* whatever... if he finds a way to cancel it i guess i'll just have to press charges cus its total BS that he's not even helping pay for my college.

  3. Doesn't child support end when they turn 18?

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