
My child is being adopted out against my will. What can I do?

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My child is being adopted out against my will. What can I do?




  1. how? like why are they taking ur child? if it's for drugs or something try to stay clean. and get a lawer. now!

  2. depends on wher child was born, in uk both parents on birth cert have parental responibilty after 2003 approx, so all parties have to consent, if its to do with social services get legal and try any offer they make to start your way to getting full custody even if that starts with supervised visits at foster parents.

  3. What do you mean - against your will?  Was the child in foster care?  Did you lose your parental rights?  How can someone put your child up for adoption without these things happening...please elaborate more so that people can answer this question.

  4. Well unfortunalty i have seen this happen too many times. My uncle done some bad stuff and he has anger managment problems, so far he has had 11 kids taken without consent (i think it is about time the idiot got a vasectomy!!). The law see it as the best and safest option for the children. His current girlfriend is pregnant with no 12, and well it is very likely that child is going to be taken aswell against their will.

    So what is your case i mean, what happend? They can legally take a child and put it up for adoption if there is something wrong with a parent. If this is not the case with you i would suggest to get some legal advice either from a solicitor or citizens advice. Why was the child taken in the first place? Was there a reason? Did someone contact social about your parenting skills? Or did you put them into care? If it was you who put the child into care then legally they cannot put the child up for adoption without your consent, the child can only be fostered. If the child was taken against your will by social then i'm affraid you have a fight on your hand.

    So get your but of here and get yourself some legal advice PRONTO!

    I hope i'm right i'm going by what i have seen happen in my family so i dont know if all the things on here are right but i hope i helped.

  5. if this is the case, your doing something WRONG

  6. When you say adopted against your need to be more specific. In order for any child to be adopted the parents' rights must be terminated, which is a pretty long process.  Especially if you contested this. Is this being done by the child protective service agency is your state? Or is this a custody battle? Did you abuse and/or neglect this child? No one (not the state or any other entity) can just randomly choose a child to be adopted. I would suggest that you look into your involvement in this situation and contact an attorney that specializes in abuse/neglect, foster care, custody battles, and/or adoption cases. Most honest with yourself.

  7. get an attorney!!!!!!!!! AND FAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. get an attorney- you have a right to not have your child taken away- unless you have done something to warrant that.  However, if someone is trying to make you place your child for adoption without your consent, it cannot happen.

  9. Why on earth would they do this ..seems very extreme..maybe they have a reason..if not talk to a lawyer

  10. Just wondering how old is the child? GL

  11. Nothing unless you have lots of money. You have been declared an unfit mother by the state and they can do any d**n thing they like unless you have loads of money.

  12. You didn’t provide any information on why your child is being placed for adoption Did the Courts terminated your rights?  If they did then you probably wouldn’t have much luck. It would take a lot for courts to terminate a parents right even more the mother.  They even will typical  give the parent a chance to get their life on track and do things the courts request , that’s going into rehab etc.

  13. not come on yahoo and waste time...get a lawyer if your serious

  14. get a lawyer...but if your child has been in foster care for 15 months or longer and you have not accomplished at least some of the things  they asked of you (sometimes job, counseling, place to live, parenting classes, sobriety, shown alternatives to abuse or neglect, etc. Or have missed alot of meeting, classes or visitation), then they can terminate your parental rights and allow them to be adopted without your consent.

  15. Get a lawyer and pray!

  16. Eat Funyuns.

  17. comeon, you troll, no one can adopt your child without your consent!

  18. you did not say WHY. if your a bad mother (drugs, alcoholism, abuse, etc) , let the child go for his/her best interest, health, etc.  adoption or state, welfare can't just go around taking childrens. there has to be some form of justifications. your not tell us why and we can't help you.

  19. Your child can't be "adopted out" unless your parental rights have been terminated.  Which means you were served, which means you should have been going to team meetings and visits to get you kid back.....which means you probably didn't do any of this and that's why they are trying to fine a CARING and LOVING home for the child.

  20. You failed to mention WHY your child was taken away.

    Children taken into care aren't put up for adoption, generally, until years of parental non-compliance or absence have gone by.

    So, your 'will' may be to keep your child, but your actions may have shown you incapable of it.

    Again, I don't know you, and you failed to tell us WHY.

  21. If its being adopted out you've already been stripped of rights as a parent.

    If its illegally by another person, then you need to get a lawyer.

  22. Listen to Jerry M..he knows the deal.

  23. Add more to your question. Why is your child being adopted?

    They must have a good reason to be doing this.

    Get a lawyer NOW!

  24. get an attorney quick

  25. If this is being done through official channels, [probably very little you can do, I'm afraid.  Adopting out children from their natural parent is only done as a very last resort, so with the best will in the world, you probably already had a number of chances to 'do' something about it and failed to.

  26. did ss put your child up for adoption? if so than nothing. you should have done what you were supposed to in the beggining. if you screwed up (no one is perfect) and you have done everything that they have asked you to do then talk to a lawyer. he can help you find out the best course of action. other than that i don't even know why or how you could lose your child against your will.

  27. it all depends on the reason for the adoption.  is it due to a court order for neglect or abuse?  are you being told to give up your baby by your partner or parents?  without knowing the details it's very difficult to give you advice on how best to proceed.

  28. If the court determines you are an unfit parent the court can terminate your parental rights and without your consent adopt your child out.

    If you feel this was wrongly done then you need to get a lawyer and try to get an injunction to delay the adoption so that the court can re-evaluate the situation.

    Good Luck

  29. that is not legal

  30. If you are depemded a unfit mother by a judge and cps took your children . You will need a really good lawer and a lot of money . sorry for you problems Kell

  31. Sober up and stay off chat boards.

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