
My child is constipated????

by Guest62860  |  earlier

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ok she is 11 months old and she is crying and really fussy... i know its cause she can't p**p, because she went and when i changed her there was still some in there, and she was screaming! and it was like a rock too.... what do i do to relive her??? help




  1. Call her doctor and see what they suggest.  Ours recommended 2 tsp of mineral oil mixed in a drink daily.  Either that or use a suppository.  After you get it cleared up just make sure she gets plenty of water daily.  Mine had this problem with the type of formula he was drinking.

  2. get her to drink a lot of fluids

  3. Increase Fibre In Diet

  4. either get laxatives or go to doctor

  5. Try some apple juice, diluted with 1/2 water, or prunes.  Also, BabyLax, is a good product.  You could also try stimulating with a thermometer.  A nice warm bath might relax her enough to go.  She also might  go during a nap.

  6. If you can see it...pull it out.  I know it sounds gross.  Just use a baby wipe or tp.  I had to do this with mine too.  That's whan parents are for.

  7. Since you've obviously given her a rectal exam, try putting a baby-size glycerine suppository in her.  Or cut off a sliver of soap, lube up her butt and push it in - guarantee it'll make her do a dooey in a few minutes.

  8. You can pull it out or use a baby suppository, which are very effective.  After that perhaps add some soluble fiber like Benefiber to her food.

  9. My daughter had this problem. Her pediatrician put her on Murilax and we increased her fluids and fiber in her diet. It took a few days, but then she started going regularly again.

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