
My child is hyper but his teacher says his academic is good...?

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My son is 6 years old (he will be in grade 1 in the fall) and his teacher says I should meet with him and the resource teacher early next week to discuss my child being hyper. His teacher said that my child has good motor skills and good academic (learning) skills but if he is not doing anything at all in class he is and has been hyper for the past week (wants to play around, run and most of all talks TOO much during snack time). Does anyone have a child who is hyper and/or talks too much but is smart too? Could a kid have ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) but can they also have good motor/academic skills at the same time? I need good advice about this.Please share with me. Thanks!




  1. You mean you're going to allow a teacher to diagnose a medical disorder?  Sounds to me as if your son is a  prefectly normal boy who just like all the other kids would rather be outside playing in the good weather than stuck in a classroom.  Your son's teacher and everyone else there isn't qualified to diganose your child as being hyper, let alone ADHD.  Only a licensed physician is.

  2. I have taught many children with ADHD that were very smart and athletic.  yours could be, too.

  3. I think schools are way too quick and eager to lable kids with ADHD. They get money for each child in their school with that lable. They just need to be a little more patient with active kids and more understanding.

  4. Um, of course he is going to get bored and hyper if the teacher doesn't have anything for him to do?  Tell her to do her job.  Does she expect him to just sit there quietly and do nothing for long periods of time?

  5. The behavior you described sounds like normal kindergarten behavior to me.  I would just teach him proper manners before 1st grade.  Everyone wants to lable a kid with ADHD because omg he's 6 years old wants to play and not sit still....  It's a kid being a kid to me.

  6. My son is ADHD. He really is...not one of the misdiagnosed. Although still high strung even with medication he makes honor role and is extremely smart. It's very typical for ADHD children to be gifted. But unless it is causing his grades to drop by being hyper/distracted or you are just going insane then try to keep him off the meds. My son needs it but if he didn't I would not have him on them.

  7. Kids can be a little hyper and have good academic skills.  Be prepared when you meet the teachers.  They may suggest having him evaluated either by the school psychologist or some other specialist to look at his attention.  His grades are good, personally I dont think that an evaluation  is necessary because the results could suggest medication which should ONLY be a last resort once all other options are exhausted.  I suggest be willing to compromise.  Your son already has the stigma of having poor attention according to his teachers.  To just say he is fine is not dealing with the issue.  And the issue is that the teacher thinks there is a problem.  IF you are willing to compromise and put things in place for your son to be more successful with them is the very best option.  Do this by asking for support.  A 504 is what you want.  This is support without needing academics.  ANY kid would function better with this so take advantage of it.  IN the 504 they will put things like preferential seating, reading group in am, things like that.  And beyond that they can even do a behavior plan that targets good behavior and rewards him with things like a preferred activity, praise, or stickers.

  8. Yes, absolutely. I know of two that were gifted and ADHD. Don't let them push meds; I got so railroaded into that.

  9. for one...he's a BOY! boys have so much energy!!  my son was the same way, great in school but just super energy. i used to worry he had ADHD as well but when i asked the doctor and teachers (now in 3rd)  they've all said no. so the way i saw it was.....if it's not affecting his school or academics then it's probably not as big of an issue. And you said when he's bored he gets hyper, and talks and runs around? he's just a 6 year old growing boy...... i wouldn't worry, just to be certain ask his pediatrician?

  10. He's fine!  Kids get board easily of course he's going to be up talking and wanting to run around!  My best friend's daughter couldn't sit all day in her seat, she had to stand next to her desk so she could move around some, there was nothing wrong with her!  Don't you let them make you think something is wrong with him!!!  School is BOARING and the kids don't get enough movement at school for all the energy they have!

  11. I thought snack time was supposed to be like a break for them. That's probably the way he is looking at it. If he is learning than then he must be being still long enough to pay attention to what she is teaching. I doubt he has ADHD because then he would be that way all the time. Do you have problems with him at home. It could also be the sugar in the snack or maybe the juice. My kids are really sensitive to sugar because I limit it so when they do get some it is very obvious.

  12. Its possible that the hyper behaviour is the result of him eating a certain food with certain E-numbers in. I'd look at everything he's eating and drinking to make sure there are no e-numbers in them.

    I'm 21, and there are certain soft drinks I need to avoid becasue douing so makes me 'hyper'.

  13. my 18 year old daughter is and she will be going to college in the fall the school she went to worked with her and when she lost interest in what they were doing went to something else and then came back to it s

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