
My child is not writing because my husband is no more so after that he is not take interest in school so what

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My child is not writing because my husband is no more so after that he is not take interest in school so what




  1. time heals. invite more peers of his class home. take him to some relatives.and dont ever show you are still mourning.

  2. Sorry to hear that. Your son has more important things on his mind than school right now, so I would deal with them first. It sounds as though seeing a counselor might help. There may be things he wants to say or thoughts he has that he can't express to you. The counselor could also give you advice about how to deal with the loss of your husband, how to help your child with school, etc.

    Are his teachers and principal aware of the situation? They may be able to give him extra time and attention for awhile.

  3. As a twenty year old who grew up with his father kinda innefectual in his life, I don't think what your son needs now is a councillor or a psychiatrist or somebody who makes him feel like therz something wrong with him. What he needs now is for you to understand his needs and his wants better instead of just forcing upon him what you should think he should be. And it would be good if he had someone to fill the void left by his father. Like a fun uncle or something..

  4. Your husband is no more as in he has passed away? It sounds like he is very upset. Just encourage him to study and find some  outside help. Maybe a councelor?

  5. Give your child the attention of both a father and a mother. U will have to work overtime in order to change your child and make him forget the loss of his father. Try to help him fill the absence by taking him more often to his uncles and other relatives. Make him interact with other children and buy him lots of toys and games to divert his mind. Do not keep him alone for him to remember his father. Try to hide all the snaps of his father for some time till he is big enough to understand the loss and overcome it. It is a very tough task for you to handle but you have to try to use alternative methods. Do not scold him as he will start disliking you. Give him lots of love and care. He deserves it.

  6. u must make him know that what happened 2 his father didn't happen because of him...i mean that it wasn't his mistake

    then u have 2 be the father and the mother 4 him.and u shouldn't make him feel that there is a problem..make him feel that he is the man in ur life so his self confidence built up

    try to make him trust in himself,,encourage him in every step he do it..never make him feel that there is something missing

    be very patient with him..make him loves the school and make him involve in any kind of sport so that he will not have time to think in what he is missing...i hope i was useful ...

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