I am a divorced mom of an 8 year old boy. His dad left 6 yrs ago. We haven't seen him since.
Until a year ago everything was going fine. But now my son is acting out & I dont know what to do. He used to be a sweet, compassionate child who got along with everyone. Even his teachers raved about how extraordinarily kind and gentle he was.
But lately his temper is out-of-control. He screams, cries, & throws things when he doesn't get his way or is angered. I've tried everything: time-outs, groundings, taking away favorite toys and privileges... even spanking which is something I never believed in. I still don't, but I am desperate.
My son tested at the genius level but he cant pay attention or stay on task to save his life. His Dr. prescribed Ritalin, which only made things worse. He's also not getting along with other kids anymore.
Nothing disruptive or tragic has happened. Nothing's changed. Im not dating. This has truly come out of the blue.
Please only serious answers