
My child is very bad at scholl what should i do?

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i tried taking away his privilages but that didn't work




  1. What exactly is he doing? My mom used to say I was bad in school, turned out I had ADHD. Is he new? Does he talk alot? Not pay attention? Does he bully? What kind of grades does he make?

  2. if he is bad academically, maybe take him to a tutor, or sylvan learning center. if he is bad as in his behaviour, then sorry, i do not know

  3. He may need a seperation from where he is now. Usually it's a combination of things: apathy, friends, wanna do something else, etc.

    A school tranfer may be what he needs, or the threat, and follow through of dramtically altering his life in a way that would suck. Also, rewards for job well done are good.

    Get the teachers involved: homework, assignments, and check him every night.

    Good luck

  4. help your child, sit down with him/her when doing their homework and make sure that it all being understood, and the work is being compleated.

  5. well, you misspelled "school" so I would guess that he's not getting it from any stranger.

    Try spending time with him helping him with his work.

    Every child is differently gifted.  Help him to find his gifts.

    Public school is demoralizing and terrible for most kids.  Being put into a situation where your work is compared to other kids and the children with the best memories are called "Good" and other students, who may have great gifts to offer the world of Art, Music, or other areas, are called "Bad" because they don't "FIT IN" to the school's idea of how kids should learn, makes kids have to come up with coping strategies to deal with the abandonment they feel.  Siding with the school makes your son feel he has nowhere to turn for any compassion.

    Punishing him further is only going to make it worse!  Encourage your child to be physically active, not watching television or video games.  Using the tv and video games as a babysitter makes your kids less creative and less able to do their schoolwork.  Encourage reading.

    That's why I homeschool.

  6. Try some ******* discipline and stick with it.

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