
My child is veryb needy?

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My little girl is 7 months old and up until now she hardly ever cried now whenever i put her down she constantly cries until i pick her up she even cries for her daddy. Her nose is constantly running and she just started crawling i dont know what to do.




  1. Maybe she just has a cold at the moment? that would explain the crying and the runny nose. You could give her some calpol or take her to the doctors if you're really worried.

    good luck


  2. If you're every in doubt of your child being sick or you dont feel something is "right" with your baby...then take her to the dr. or the er. There is a reason you don't feel things are right and it could be a motherly instinct.

    Crying is totally normal and if she has a runny nose she may be teething. Maybe give her a cold rag to bite on and see if that soothes her at all.

    otherwise my suggestion is see the dr. If you worry about her then she may be feeling your anxiety and worry. At the least your dr. can put your mind and ease and let you know your daughter is fine.

  3. She is having separation anxiety. My baby is 5 months and she's going through that. Her nose is probably running cuz she either has a cold, it's cold in the house, or she's teething.

  4. its very normal for a child to go through a phase of separation anxiety. in fact i think about every child is expected to do this. i think the normal age is 8 months to a year...the good news is its usually pretty short lasting.

    hang in son did the same lasted maybe two months at the most...although this doesn't mean she will be over it as quick.

    here's an article on found online:

    "We recently left our 5-month-old daughter with trusted friends overnight. We were so worried about how she'd react, but our friends said she was fine the entire time. Don't babies experience separation anxiety when they're away from their parents?

    – Allia and Chris

    The first time you leave your baby with a babysitter is likely to be harder on you than it is on your child. As long as their needs are being met, most babies younger than 6 months adapt pretty well to other caregivers.

    Most babies start to experience separation anxiety somewhere between 8 months and a year, with it peaking between 1 and 2 years. Separation anxiety typically occurs once your child grasps the concept of object permanence — that there's only one of you and when she can't see you, you've gone away. What causes the anxiety is that she doesn't understand when and if you'll come back. Playing games like peek-a-boo can help her learn that you will return after you go away.

    Separation anxiety is a common developmental stage, and your baby will probably go through it sooner or later. Until then, be glad that her first time away from you was safe and enjoyable."

    i should add that when my son started crawling he got more colds than ever. just being on the ground more exposes them to more germs. its actually a good thing for her immune system to get stronger...not to say that i wouldn't worry about whats she's putting in her mouth (or that i'm assuming you don't either) but i would ride out the runny nose as well. a humidifier helped our son out a little at night...but on and off for awhile he started getting sick a little more he never gets sick.

    good luck and hang in there.

  5. this is very common. She is at the age where she figures out, 'hey, if I cry... people come running'. babies will use this to get themselves held and entertained all day long. My son did this and I would let him cry and fuss for a few minutes before I picked him up. Sometimes I was in the other room and I would say 'Ah, you are just fine' and let him cry for awhile. When I pick him up than I would tell him that he is just fine. When I didn't come running immediately everytime, he started fussing less.

    The drooling is very very common. It can be teething or just forgetting to swallow.

  6. She probably has separation anxiety.  Children of this age are just beginning to understand that objects and people are still there even when they can't see them, and because they are basically helpless, they feel upset because they don't understand that their main object is going to come back shortly.  In the time it takes them to learn this and be more comfortable with it, they get upset and cry when it happens.

    You can play games with her where you cover up a toy with a blanket and then let her find it.  You can also play a version of peek-a-boo where you step out of the room, and peek back at her.  Once she doesn't cry every time you disappear, you can play a more advanced version where you have her come find you - more like hide and seek, I guess.

    Her nose is probably running either because she is getting a cold (which exacerbates the problems with the separation anxiety), or possibly because she is teething, which might also come with a lot of drooling.

    Also, her newfound mobility may be stressful to her.  She might have started crawling, but that doesn't mean she's comfortable with it.

    By the way, my third child didn't ever have separation anxiety.  He had autism instead.  Count your blessings.

  7. A constant runny nose is a sign of illness.  A child doesn't always have a fever when they are sick.  A runny nose can indicate an ear infection, a sore throat, allergies, cold or flu or some type of head injury. If it were my child I would be taking her to the doctor rather than play on the computer.

  8. she might have a cold. ask your babies doctor and ask.

  9. deal with it.  she's just a baby...she'll eventually grow out of it, probably in a few months.

  10. Welcome to motherhood

  11. she must bea cute handfulll [[[: but if you put her down maybe put some toys with her let her be intrested in something. and if you pick her up and she cries for her daddy  just get her to come down with something. and aw go to the doctor to see if they have something for her nose running. and for the crawling lock up all the cabinets and baby prooof the house.

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