
My child just turn three, and she is not yet potty trained, help please!?

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I've tried potty training her since she was 1 1/2 , then later at 2 , 21/2, and I'm back trying to potty train her, she is very smart and knows very well where she has to go, but she seems be very lazy , I've tried bribery, stickers, a potty training doll, and who knows what else. I'm starting to feel like a bad mother, specially when people tell she should already been potty trained, since their kids where potty train since they were 1 1/2. Has anyone been through this and how did you get your child potty train?




  1. Usually girls potty train quicker then boys but that does not mean that they will.  Wait until she is ready, which is obviously isn't yet.  I recommend trying to stick with one way to reward her.  You have tried a few things, just give one some time.  I did a potty chart in the bathroom wall and we put stickers for everytime my son went.  Then we made a HUGE deal out of it and told him how proud we were of him.  Just make a big deal out of it when she does it.  But just be patient, she will let you know when she is ready.  

  2. my DD was being very stubborn too, we tried from 18 mths on and off as well, and she finally did it at 32 mths, we tried everything, in the end i just put her in knickers and let her play outside, and she wet her self and didn't like it, she only had accidents for 3 days and has been fine since, my DD also knew she couldn't start preschool til she wore knickers.  just give her no choice at put knickers on her she will soon get the idea, oh and use toilet not potty, our DD preferred that, get a seat cover, if not already got one.

  3. It took me until my child was 4 years old. Every child is different. Don't let other people judge you. Just have patience and she will come around. Your only training yourself.

  4. She sounds clever - she gets lots of presents for not being potty trained!  Stop listening to people who tell you what your daughter should be doing, she won't still be wearing nappies when she goes to school. If you stop worrying and pushing her, and act a bit bored by the whole thing,I bet she'll just start using the potty or toilet by herself.

  5. the best advice I got was from my sister - she said buy character underwear - whatever her fav is - and put them on her and remind her not to get Cinderella/Hello Kitty/ whoever wet and my daughter got it in about a week  

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