
My child put painter's tape on her skin and when we...

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pulled it off, a few days later her skin is really white where the tape was. She is pretty tan from swimming this summer. Is her skin going to permanently be that way?? Or will it go back to normal. I don't think it's a scar, it didn't bleed or scab or anything like that. Ahhh, help????




  1. the glue on the tape pulled off the top layer of(dead, tanned) skin, its nothing to worry about, it will be fine, we all get a fully new skin every 30 days, she just rushed it a bit in  a few spots lol.

  2. Its probably the glue from the tape

  3. It's ok, your over-reacting!! Chill, mommy! Like that one person said, it's the skin, the dead, tan skin that came off. Chill, is k.

  4. Maybe it is glue residue? I would try rubbing a little olive, mineral or vegetable oil on it and see if that helps.  

  5. I think it will be ok, mommy :)

  6. I doubt it's going to be permanently like that.  If you waited a few days, imagine the tape acted just like a band-aid, covering the skin from sunlight and everything else, leaving it whiter then other skin.  

  7. you pulled it off a few days later??? then its prob a tan mark or dirt. lol give her a bath, put some lotion on her and send her on her way. Painters tape is one of the easiest tapes. not really sticky or lots of glue.

  8. dont worry it will go away

    just glue from the tape

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