
My child swallowed a quarter, do I need to keep her home from school ? ?

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The dr. said I need to watch for when the quarter comes out, so Im thinking I need to keep her home from school to watch for the quarter. She doesnt ordinarily have bowel movements at school, however It would be awful it she did, and I am busily searching through stools at home and concerned.




  1. why would she swallow a quarter?

  2. if you keep her at home she can use her own bathroom but she will miss learning

    i recomend letting her stay home for 1 day then if she is ok let her go to school  

  3. If she poops out two dimes and a nickel, then be worried.

    Just joking... maybe try giving her foods that will loosen her stools.  

  4. My friend swallowed a penny once, and her mother had her stay home until it totally passed through her system.

    It's the best idea to keep her home. See if you can get any schoolwork that she is missing, and you two can have some study time at night to go over the lessons.

  5. Yes, I would definetly keep her home from school, she is pretty little and obviously will not be able to let you know if she saw the quarter in her p**p or say shes doesnt p**p at school, but it just takes one time for her TO p**p at school and then what??? keep her home to be on the safe side--good luck..when I was about 3 or 4 I swallowed a penny and it came out

  6. keep her home

  7. You should just let them know at school and have her stay at home and get a doctors note if need be until she passes this.  

  8. My opinion is to keep her home and check her bowels. You wont know unless you check it and you wont feel comfortable. Just think to yourself....when did she swallow it? Is she only going to miss a day or two. You can always talk to her teacher and get her work so she can do it at home. Dont stress too much about it. If it makes you happy then keep her home! I would probably keep my daughter home. Good luck to you!

  9. she does not need to stay home over something like that.

  10. She will be fine.Kids do it all the time and have no problems passing them.  

  11. WOW..Why did she swallow a quarter...

    she wild'n

  12. well she's gonna take some x-rays so u'll know if something is wrong and if they don't tell u anything just keep her at home until the quarter comes out =]]

  13. My brother did the same exact thing. Keep her home from school.  If she has trouble breathing or stomach problems take her to the doctor immediatly

  14. eww lol. my cousin swalllowed a penny and my best friends sister swallowed a nickel. haha but give her laxitives and keeps her home 4 a day. thats long enough. make her p**p constantly (on the hour) until the quarter comes out. and if it comes out in a short period of time then maybe she can make it for the last half of the school day!!!!

    hope this helps

  15. You might want to consider keeping them home for a few days while giving them a GENTLE laxative.

  16. its important to find the quarter! keep her home for the 4 possible days the quarter may come out! it REALLY crucial to find it, so don't take this risk...

  17. A kid at my daycare did that and you could actually see the quarter in his chest when it was still lodged in his esophogus. They said he would just have to p**p it out. It maight be painful when she poops it out.  

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