
My child was told he could not sit his year 6 SAT But he is not getting a statement?

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i have taken it to the tribunal. i would like to know if there is any organisations that can help me give my child the statement. my parent partnership is helping me i done know if i should try dyslexic group




  1. they cannot stop him doing sats because he is dyslexic

    write to the government or the bbc

  2. You need to speak to the school regarding the issue of the SATS, they should have discussed it with you if they were going to 'disapply' your child from some subjects or from the SATS in general.  As I understand it, a Statement has nothing to do with whether or not a child sits SATS.  I found this link on Devon Authority's website on the issue, you might want to have a look at your own Authority's website & see if they have anything to say but do speak to the school:

    If you've been turned down for a Statutory Assessment of your Special Educational Needs or a Note in Lieu was issued as a result of an assessment, then the Tribunal is your best shot at getting the Authority's decision overturned unless you can provide additional information to the Authority & the Chair of the Panel to make an argument in favour of overturning their earlier decision.  

    If the Parent Partnership could put you in touch with parents who have successfully appealed to Tribunal who could help you put your case statement together that would also be useful.  

    You might like to try contacting this group as well:

    If SENDIST doesn't find in your favour, you can apply again for a Statutory Assessment but you also need to bear in mind if you're appealing against the Authority's decision not to carry out a Statutory Assessment & the Tribunal finds in your favour and the Authority must carry out a Statutory Assessment that still doesn't guarantee that a Statement will be issued.

  3. He's not taking his SATs cause he's dyslexic?! I'll tell you where you need to go - the BBC.

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