
My child wentt blue could i still put her to bed ?

by  |  earlier

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my lil girl fell ova and cried alot and went blue in the face so i huged her and she was fine can i still put her to bed straight after ????




  1. if she fell over and hit her head, no. do not let her fall asleep, she could have a concussion, which could possibly lead to a coma, if she hit her head a certain way. letting her go to sleep too soon after a blow could do that.

    if she is blue because she was crying, i would make sure she is calm first then it should be ok. make sure she did not hit her head though.

  2. NO! If she is blue its due to loss of oxygen! take her to the ER or watch her and see what happens...I would not put her to bed!

  3. if she hit her head you should check for after effects, nausea, loss of balance, i would call the pediatrician just in case

  4. onve she has returned to her normal color and everything is ok then yes there should not be a problem with putting her straight back to bed when she gets into her spurts of crying she tends to hold her breath

  5. If she was blue in the face, this was due to a lack of oxygen.  Call your doctor and ask their advice right away.

  6. Call an ambulance man..

  7. She was blue because of all the crying?  Did her color eventually return?  If she calmed down and has normal color now, she should be fine...

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