
My child wont sleep help i havnt slept for 4 days?

by Guest34291  |  earlier

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please i need help my daughter is nearly 2 and iv been blessed from the start that she slept through the night from 2 months,but now for no reason at all she keeps waking up in the middle of the night and is too scared to go back to sleep iv never seen her like this before this has been going on for 2 weeks now and iv been surviving on an hours sleep but now for the past 4 days shes getting worse i havnt changed her routine or anything but now im getting scared cuz im really loseing my temper with her i have to walk away from her when she screams please help im a single mum so i live on my own




  1. has she been to the doctor lately? she may have an ear infection going on. my son sleeps all night but started waking up in the middle of the night (no fever or anything) and went for a routine checkup and he had fluid in his ears that developed into an ear infection. once it cleared up he started sleeping again. maybe have her checked just to rule it out. also did she maybe see something or hear something on tv or out somewhere that scared her. my daughter heard someone say they got stuck in an elevator and still 2 years later she is terrified of elevators. i hope you find out what is wrong. you are doing the right thing by walking away when you feel frustrated but maybe you have someone who can take her for few hours so you can rest? being a single mom is hard i hope you do have a friend or family member to help you a little.

  2. alright mom first this is this,do not be afraid to let little one cry! you need your sleep and patience and both are hard to handle with a fussy toddler! have you thought about bringing her in bed with you? i know this will create habit but how bad do you want to sleep? mine are allowed to sleep in our rooms but must sleep on the floor next to our bed and are NOT allowedin our bed! only the breastfeeding babies are! good luck and hope youget some sleep!

  3. I recommend getting the book Good Night Sleep Tight by Kim West. It covers all sleep problems up to age 5.

    I don't know what to tell you, because I don't have the book with me right now, but I know that it will probably say to just go in and sit near her bed and let her fall back asleep with you there. Go to Amazon and look the book up. I can guarantee that it will have the answer. I have read the whole book, and there is a section on that age group, but my daughter is only 14 months old, so we aren't there yet, and I haven't had to use any of the ideas from that old yet.

  4. If she slept well before its prob something bothering her, an earache, more teeth coming through something like that, or maybe she's started having nightmares, take her to the GP if it continues.

    In the meantime see if a friend or family member could take her for a few hours in the daytime. If this isn't an option just try and sleep when she is.even if its just lots of short naps.

    Just a thought at about 14 months my little one started to get very distressed when he woke up, he actually looked frightened and I worked out it was the shadows his nightlight was making I tried the light on and off and eventually worked out he settled when I made the room a little darker, I put the nightlight behind his bed so it was only giving out just enough light to see where he was going if he woke up.

  5. have you tried laying with her for a little bit..comforting her. losing your temper isnt going to help, regardless of your furstration...

    Just lay with her for a bit untill she is asleep, then remove yourself and give her a teddy..this is probably just a faze for her.

  6. Either see if someone can take her for the afternoon so you can sleep, or put her to bed with you!!

    Now that someone mentioned her health, the only symptom my daughter ever showed that she had an ear infection, was that she wouldn't sleep!  You might want to see if you can get her in ASAP!

  7. nightmares? Poor girl, will she go back so sleep if she sleeps with you?  

  8. You might need to ask someone for help (a grandparent, brother, sister, friend).  

    Does she go to daycare?  There is obviously a reason why she's not sleeping.  I know it's bad for you, but I imagine it's worse for her.....Ask her daycare (if she goes) what is going on there.

    What time does she go to bed?  What time does she get up?  How many naps a day does she take?  She might be at a stage where you can eliminate a nap????  

    Talk to your pediatrician.  And hire a sitter for a few hours so you can rest.  Once your head is clear, maybe you can solve this problem.

    I feel for you. Being a single mom is not easy.  You have my support.

  9. Ask her if there is anything wrong. I know she is only 2 but she might be feeling a little under the weather.

    Read her a story that she likes 30 minutes before her actual bedtime. Reassure her that anything that happens in a nightmare won't come true. When I was a child I didn't sleep for 6 nights running because I was terrified a man would come into my house at night (I have never been abused). Children's imaginations can run wild and sometimes need putting at ease.

    Suggest she can have a little night light on and that if she does go to sleep, you will take her for a nice walk to the park, or whatever she likes doing.  

  10. first off, take her to the docs she may have a infection or something, (worms are nocturnal have u checked her)if all is clear there, then it may be bad dreams maybe get reccomended to a psyciatrist.

    in the mean time, if its just night time shes not sleeping put her down for a nap in the day and u have a nap too at the same time.

    good luck

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