
My children and My sisters wedding?

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Need some honest opinions. I am overseas and my sister is getting married in one month. Our tickets are about $1200 a piece. There are myself, my husband and my 3 children. Ages 5,4,and 2. Should I spend the $6000 on tickets for my entire family? Or should I leave my youngest with my MIL for the trip? -OR- Should I go by myself and take my 2 oldest...HELP.....




  1. take you,husband,5 year old,and 4 year old leave 2 year old home incase he crys or runs off

  2. Judging from your Childrens ages, I would leave ALL of them with your Inlaws, & just go with your Husband... Ultimately, it will be the Easiest, & Cheapest, and the BEST thing You could've done. Take Care, & have a Great Trip!  :)

  3. As your wish and love for your sister, But if you attend his wedding than she might feel better and joyful at your presence in the wedding. Relationship is the another word of love. If you don't attend his wedding than your relationship might sour, may not that happen. Think on it and than take a right decision.

  4. I have a very difficult time understanding why people have weddings that are overseas or out of grasp of others and really truly think they have the right to be upset when family members cannot make it.  Your sister knew good and well when she decided to have this wedding that there may be more that cannot then can come to this wedding.  I cannot imagine a sister thinking that it is alright for her to have a wedding  overseas and everyone is going to make it.  I cannot imagine a sister thinking that a family member can fork out even a $1,000 dollars to go to a wedding.  I realize this is your sister and it sounds like she not only is special to you but well worth the trip.  I just feel that your sister should truly understand if this is tooo much of a expense for you.  After all you do have 3 very little children.  If all fails I feel it would be best the little ones stay at home and especially if they are left with someone you can trust.  Your husband can come but I am not for sure how close he is to your sister.  Otherwise it is perfectly okay for you to go alone.  Otherwise if all else fails send your sister a check for a large amount for a wedding gift for a amount that would not of been $6,000.  Good luck because this truly is a tough situation.  Money cannot by love and if she truly does care about you she will understand no matter what decision you make.  Offer to do something for her when she comes back.  I mean if  you threw her a party it would cost less.  I am sure NOT everyone can go so inivite the family and have a party.

  5. It's so hard to answer this question without knowing what your financial situation is !  If you make 100K a year and don't have a crippling mortgage, go for it !

    What I can say, is that I'm getting married in Fiji next year which is where I live, but I'm from NZ.  As the bride, I have no expectation of any family members putting themselves in compromising financial situations in order to attend my wedding.   But I would love it if each immediate family could send at least one representative.  But the cost to go overseas is huge, you have to budget for accomodation and for eating every meal out unless you have someone to stay with.

    Does your family normally go on a holiday every year anyway ?  Would this be able to be your annual family holiday ?  Does your husband want to go ?  Do you live away from your parents ?  If so if you tell them that you're thinking of going without the kids they might be so desperate to see the kids that they'll chip in !

    So sorry, I can't give you an answer but just some things for you to consider !

  6. You and your husband should go.

    Thats what i think..

    It will be a little getaway for you two but it will be something that you'll be able to see your family as well..

    being away a few days from your kids is OK.

    but at the same time it would be a good family trip & experience for if you'd ever want to go overseas again...

    Good Luck!

  7. personly i think if their not in the wedding i would leave all the children home and just go with you and your husband it sounds mean but chances are their not going to remember it anyway but there again if you plan on staying for a week or two and making it into a family get togher  then maybe spend the money thats a tough spot to be in and im sure you sister would love to see the kids but...realisticly can you afford it? i know i couldnt but thats just me their will be other chances for getting together maybe when times are better or maybe your sister can come see you if its cheaper she might be bummed but i think she will understand besides it allows you to relax and enjoy the day the vacation if you choose to make it so....good luck and have a safe trip

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