
My children do not want to see thier father?

by  |  earlier

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my son has never wanted to go there for visitation, but he has been fofrced for teh past two and a half years, every second weekend. he says he gets knuckled, pinched, twists his ear, pulls him down the stairs by his leg and my ex says this doesnt happen and there is no bruises.

last visitation my ex shoved me away when i tried to kiss my daughter goodnight, shoved my common law partner and told us to get teh **** out of his house and beat it and get lost even tho we were just there ddropping the kids off. he blocked my daughter from getting to me when she was crying from witnessing this event and wouldnt put her down when i said i was taking them home.

this was an abusive relationship i came from, ive never denied him access and now this conflict is escalating in front of the children and i spoke to a lawyer today and he basically said i cant do anything...that my concerns arent enough to ask for supervised i out in left field or should i continue looking for a new lawyer?

my daughter is now afraid to visit her father, she says she doesnt want to go, i want to get them in to see a child psychologist and seh says she just wants to stay home. she says she is afraid and when i ask why she is afraid she cannot come home. she gets very upset when i say do you want to go to daddy's house? she says no and gets all upset and now she says she doesnt want to talk about it anymore because i said to her, i wnot keep asking you, you just let me know how you feel, she doesnt even want to phone him.

do i just suck it up or do i have a right to be concerned and continue on with my quest for supervision?




  1. well you need to ask your son to tell a teacher or someone besides you that his dad is hurting him,file a law suit or call the police the next time se is shoving or pushing anyone in front of your children.Best of luck.

  2. I would be doing something and doing it fast if things are going on where a child doesnt want to go for visits. You can get things checked into. Maybe he doesnt ned visits. Be concerned for the childs sake and see what can be done..

  3. To start with, if this guy is such a prick, why did you have kids with him. Second they are his kids too, and he is probably paying for them, or are you using the child support for your self?  Next you shouldn't have brought your "common-law partner" with you to drop off the kids. Do you really think this will make him happier to see you? WHO'S doing the knuckling, pinching and ear twisting? Does he have other kids living with him. Half brothers and sisters fight much more than regular brothers and sisters, a problem with divorced parents and complicated relationships. Do you talk down their dad when they are with you? They spend a lot more time with you, so if young, of coarse they would rater be at their home with mom. BUT dad has rights too. How old are your kids. Divorce is very hard on kids, especially young kids. Have you let your EX know what is happening?  Maybe the two of you and the kids need to see a councilor. Try being nice to him. Let him know what she is telling you. Don't talk dad down to her. Don't bring your new boyfriend/girlfriend with you when you go to his place. You both owe it to your kids to try and make this work. NOT FOR YOU, but FOR THE KIDS.

  4. You need to talk with the attorney that represented you in the custody portion of your divorce.  Most likely, they will have the children see a counselor to determine what is going on and from there, they can petition the court to change the custody and visitation.

  5. The most important thing you can do is to protect your children.  Sometimes that means protecting them from one of their own parents.  I'm not familiar with how laws will help you protect the children.  But, I would say you should talk with an attorney soon before something happens to the children.

    Good Luck.

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