
My children have always enjoyed swimming. I spent money I really could not afford...?

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on a pool pass for the summer. They have only gone swimming once. This really frustrates me. Should I just chalk the loss up to experience or force the kids to go? They did not ask for it. I just know that they always wanted to go last year and I did not have the funds to allow them to go often.




  1. most of the times kids want what they don't have

    but i think you should take them at least once a week

  2. Been there!!! Let them know they probably won't have them next year so have as much fun before SCHOOL starts!

  3. And what *are* they doing?  If it's playing video games or watching TV then yeah right! I would be forcing them to go.

  4. When I was little my mom scraped money together for a pool pass at a nice club. We were forced to go EVERYDAY. I hate swimming now I hate the sun I hate being hot I hate everything about summer. It was all day everyday every summer. I understand where your coming from exactly, it sucks to waste money on something you couldnt afford, but you dont want to make your kids hate the pool either. Depending on their age I would tell them "Look if you dont start going more we will not have this luxury next year" and explain how hard it was for you to get this for them. Hopefully they will appreciate it.

  5. Typical kids...always wanting what they can't have.

    I would make them go. They will have fun when they get there.

    It doesn't matter if they asked for it. You spent the money, and the only thing you are asking them to do  is have  fun!

  6. I'd be making my kids go.  If I saw them wasting time watching tv or playing video games...whatever, I would just mention that it looks like a good day for swimming and I'm not letting those passes go to complete waste!  I'd point out to them that school will be starting soon and summer is almost over.  Also throw in that you will not be buying these passes next year since they decided not to use them anyway, so if they want to get any swimming done for the summer-they had better do it NOW!

  7. I wouldn't force them to go, and the other people can thumbs down me all they want.

    The thing is, they did not ask for this, and all that forcing them to go swimming will do is make them resent you and possibly turn them off to swimming in the future.

    It's summer, and kids should be allowed to spend their time how they want for the most part.

    Tell them that they probably won't be able to swim next year, and if they want any pool time then they should get it done now, and then let it go. It will be a learning experience for the both of you.

    Good luck and I hope the kids end up swimming, it's definitely my favorite summer time activity.

  8. If they didn't ask for the pass, then you cannot force them to go.  I would chalk it up to experience for next summer.  If they want a pass next summer, make them chip in.

  9. I will probably get thumbs down, but I would make them go. And next year not buy the pass.

    Good luck.

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