
My childs father (deadbeat)ask for visitation i allowed and he never returned my child. cannot get police coop

by  |  earlier

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I allowed my child to see his absent father and spend time eith him and he ran off with him and i have no way of knowing he is okay. In texas, i cannot get any cooperation from the police. They told me I have to steal him back as odd as that may sound. Is there ANYTHING legal that i can do?




  1. Apparently you did not have any custody order.  You did not say if this is an ex boyfriend or ex husband. This is critical.  If he was not your husband, and had NO custody rights, it is parental abduction.  If you were married, and had not filed, it is free for all.

    Texas is among the few <expletive deleted> states that allows parents to take children with no penalty.  They also allow police with no brains.

    There is a Texas missing child clearinghouse in Austin.

    1 800 346 3243

    call and find out if the police entered this, which I suspect they did not.

    Texas' lack of consistent law, invites parents to run from other states, to here, as long as there has been no court action filed.

    email me if you want further.  

  2. Go to your state's attorny general and ask for help..the police must take report of 'parental kidnapping'..go the media for help..see if the FBI will help you. The National Center of Missing and Exploited children may also be able to help you.

  3. If the that's what the Authority told you then that's what you can do! Do a background check on your (ex)husband and try to dig out info's on him and what he does then go get your child! You have every right to take your son back from anyone who says no!

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