
My childs stomach is hurt

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his tummy is hurting and i don't know if a 36 year old should have a whole gravol. he is 345 pounds and 5'10. should i take him to the gym?




  1. Aw, you have a 36 year old? That's so cute. Mine turned 72 last week. They sure do grow up fast.

  2. Aww 36 yr old weighing 345 pounds? Nice!! How much was he born with? 200? I would suggest infants gravol....

    Shut up you troll!

  3. yes..not only because his stomach hurts....because he is over weight u dont want his to die of obesity at an early age do u  

  4. i dont care...

  5. Your child is 36 years old? This might be the wrong category...

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